Hey jammers. Happy Thanks giving I have some cool new items that you can get just in time for the feast. I also saw a new video in Tiereney's aquarium that is very interesting and it is great entertainment!
Here's a new big skull to show your inner warrior!
This crystal table and couch is perfect for sitting at for the big dinner today!
The dessert table is perfect for a special treat after a yummy dinner. Yum!
Here are some cool items like a fancy diamond necklace, two cool masks,
a cross bow for your inner warrior and, firefly wings and actual firefly!
And now the entertainment for this evening...
Introducing the famous Tiereney Thys!
Log onto animal jam to see this fantastic video in Tiereney Thy's aquarium.
What is the difference between oceans and seas watch the video to find out!
That's all for now jammers see you next time!